Shadow #356675

Shadow #356675

Shadow’s big secret—-he is actually a huge, furry marshmallow! At the least invitation, he tucks those long legs under him and rolls onto his back, literally begging for belly rubs! And get your fingers flexed and ready—head scratches and back rubs will win his heart forever! His former owner told us that one of his favorite toys is a large rope toy, and Shadow will stare at you with pleading, puppy-dog eyes until you play with him with it. If Shadow happens to be out in the play yard alone, he will entertain himself by throwing his rope toy or ball up into the air and chasing it across the yard. Then he will look over at you, as if to say, “Come on in and join me—we always have more fun together!” He is excellent in the car and, in the house, Shadow demonstrated that he is housebroken, quiet, calm, NOT a counter surfer, non-destructive and a “super-sofa-snuggler”. Shadow would love to be your only pet so he can soak up all your love and not have to share!

Ginger  #330557

Ginger #330557

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Hopper #220